Waiting For Winter is Never Easy
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Balancing Work/Life
This was the third good snow storm of the 2010/2011 winter season and I really needed to take advantage of it. The majority may wish the snow away but I have always loved a white winter. We tend to get one or two decent snow storms a season but as time becomes too difficult to find and tight schedules have the ability to steal the freedom to
The first storm I was so incredibly busy and overloaded with work
The second I was too sick to play.
After getting home from work late on Monday I grabbed dinner and then headed out to sesh the school rail across the street. It took 90 minutes of prep since the snow wasn’t in the best condition and being a one man team doesn’t speed things up.

Finally finishing the drop in’s and getting the cameras mounted I was almost too exhausted to even ride. Walking in deep snow then up a flight of stairs a hundred times definitely doesn’t help.
Well, let me tell you it is not easy to make yourself go ride when you’re completely fatigued and overloaded with things in life. It almost feels like a chore sometimes but I keep telling myself it will be worth it. And it always is.
Here are a few clips I cut together of my Solo Snowboard Sesh. Please forgive me for the lame footage, the lack of lighting, and the weak tricks but hey I’m trying to make the best of what I’ve got. And besides those very brief moments of dropping in and riding my board were pure bliss. Well worth the struggle.