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Where Are You Now?

Today Grandpa would have been 95. Hard to believe it’s been a year since he passed. I still catch myself wanting to call and share the crazy and exciting things happening in life.

He had such an contagious smile and vigor for life, and was a huge inspiration for me to go explore and see the world. In his office he had a MASSIVE map with hundreds of pins in all the places he’s been and for the past 15 years, I’ve been working hard to catch up.

“Where are you now?!” was the first thing out of his mouth as I’d call him from all over the world. It brought him so much joy to see me traveling to new and exciting places.

My heart sank knowing I could no longer call and show him all the new places, but after inheriting his phone I realized I can now bring him everywhere i go!

Happy Birthday Grandpa

It breaks my heart Zofia was born just after you passed. I can wait for you to see just how amazing she will be, and I’ll be sure to share the best of you, in me, with her.

And now I no longer have to call you to show you where I am, as I know where ever I go, you’ll be right there with me.