So wild to have spent the last 10 months mentally, emotionally, and physically preparing for today, April 27th… our “due date.”
So wild that no matter how much we “prepare” no one is ever really READY for their first child.
So wild the emotions of excitement, nervousness, fear, joy, and even sadness knowing everything this insane life brings.
So wild to know the shear amount of love that will consume this crazy cocktail of emotions the moment our little one takes its first breath.
So wild to witness this first stage of Joanna becoming a mother. I knew my heart would expand for our baby, but I never realized how much more my love for her would grow.
So wild to look back on our relationship and see just how much we both went through navigating an international relationship throughout a pandemic to ensure our love survived.
So wild how much we’ve restructured our lives to prepare for an exciting new future.
So wild to feel the incredible amount of love and support throughout Joanna’s pregnancy.
So WILDLY EXCITED for what’s still to come!
I guess now is a good time to share some of our pregnancy portraits

With the chaos of life we almost didn’t have enough time for pregnancy portraits.
Originally we were hoping to do a casual winter “wonderland”

shoot but we had a very small window to align our crazy schedules with the weather and everything in-between.
And even though I felt like it snowed every other day during this long Canadian winter, by the time we were able to squeeze something in it was April and catching snow on the ground was like rolling the dice.

In fact the day we went to scout the location it snowed just enough to lay, so I pulled out the tripod to snag a few shots since we may never get another opportunity.
I terribly underestimated how difficult it is to blindly pose ourselves in the freezing cold, but there were a few shots I didn’t hate

And although the snow was gone the day of our shoot, we were able to pull off a few shots in the small window we had with the help from some friends (Thanks Corey Gardiner Photography Danielle) . (And thanks Anita & Barry for the location!)